Wilderness News Summer Edition is Online

summer2011-1 The Summer 2011 Issue of Wilderness News Print Edition is now online!
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Featured in this issue:

chikwauk2 Chik-Wauk Museum and Nature Center
By Rob Kesselring
Take a drive to the end of the Gunflint Trail and spend a few hours at Chik-Wauk Museum, the word serendipity will come to mind. Could there be a better place for a museum and nature center that celebrates the human and natural history of the Quetico Superior Wilderness than at the end of the Gunflint Trail? More >

Basswood Beach Resort and Canoe Trips
By Barbara Wenstrom Shank and William P. Wenstrom

Travel back in time with an historic family fishing lodge that thrived in what is now the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness… More >


Obituary: Frank B. Hubachek, Jr. (“Bill”) 1923-2011
It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Frank B. Hubachek, Jr. (“Bill”) on January 21, 2011… More >

charleskelly Meet Charles Kelly–President emeritus of the Oberholtzer Foundation and QSF Board Member
By Alissa Johnson
When Charles Kelly was five years old, he would climb out of bed, grab his pillow and his blanket and lie on the floor in front of his parents’ third-floor guest room. Through the closed door, Charlie listened to Ernest Oberholtzer play the violin until his eyes became heavy and the young boy fell asleep on the floor… More >

Earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) courtesy Wikipedia.org

Invasive Species in the Boundary Waters—A question of what, not if
By Alissa Johnson
In July, University of Minnesota forest ecologist Lee Frelich and Doug and Peggy Wallace, coordinators of a citizen’s monitoring group, bushwhacked up a ridge in the Wolf Lake inventoried roadless area adjacent to the Trout Lake area of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW). They poured a gallon of water and ground mustard seed over a square foot area of the ground and watched… More >


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