Kids and canoes: ‘No Boundaries’ program introduces youth to wilderness
Boundary Waters canoe trips can be life-changing, and foster lifelong conservation ethics, but out of reach for many young people.
Boundary Waters canoe trips can be life-changing, and foster lifelong conservation ethics, but out of reach for many young people.
State funds effort to acquire lands and turn them over to county for management and public access.
Winners of annual photo contest show the wide array of wonders to be found at the northern Minnesota park.
A new program seeks to reach thousands of Minnesota schoolchildren with lessons from and for the BWCA wilderness.
Over 680 miles of canoe route through northwestern Ontario from Thunder Bay on Lake Superior to Whiteshell Provincial Park in Manitoba.
She delights in discovering the wildflowers of the Boundary Waters and was instrumental in the Chik-Wauk Museum and Nature Center. Betty’s passion for the beauty of life on the Gunflint Trail…
Watch the new production that seeks to inspire responsible recreation at boat-in campsites.
The dogs were eager, ready and pulling on their leads, when the 2020 Gunflint Mail Run sled dog race officially began early on Saturday, January 11, spectators and mushers expected great weather and optimal trail conditions.
YMCA Camp Northern Lights gives families time to bond, deepen their appreciation for wild places, and, if they want, gain skills for a wilderness adventure near the Boundary Waters.
Worth stopping for – a one-mile nature trail, a DNR Scientific and Natural Area, and a beautiful stretch of undeveloped Lake Superior shoreline. Preserved by dedicated stewards and harboring rare species and unique geology…
The St. Louis River estuary is a unique, 12,000 acre wetland where water from the St. Louis River mixes with the water from Lake Superior. The Minnesota Land Trust is working with groups and state agencies to restore features of the river habitat that have become compromised by pollution, debris, and development.
Volunteers and a nonprofit group worked tirelessly to clear deadfall and regrowth from the Powwow Trail in the BWCAW, after Pagami Creek Fire.
A race with a Boundary Waters twist – some runners carry canoes, about 8,390 rods, through the heart of Superior National Forest.
Seventh year of Teen Ambassadors program introduces kids who have not had opportunity to visit Voyageurs before to the park, and encourages them to advocate for special lands.
Researchers scramble up river banks, edge along muddy shores, and step carefully through woods with eyes on the forest floor in Northeastern Minnesota tracking terrestrial Wood Turtles.
Minnesota’s iconic pine-studded northern forests are at risk and the habitat for conifer-dependent birds and animals is in decline. Crews and volunteers are responding by planting thousands of trees…
Chik-Wauk Museum invites visitors to learn about regional history and enjoy the natural surroundings.
Public land projects offer opportunities to help with trail-building, portage maintenance, and much more across northeastern Minnesota.
Ely residents and visitors enjoy learning traditional crafts in a wilderness setting. Build a birch bark canoe, bake a traditional dish, sew a beaver hat, or explore night sky photography, classes connect to the past and to each other…
Youth organization that works to protect the Boundary Waters from copper-nickel mining pollution is organizing another event to provide high school and college students the chance to tell policymakers their stories and ask for stewardship.