Harmful algae blooms in Voyageurs, Isle Royale focus of new study
Federal agencies conducting research to understand threat of toxins produced by cyanobacteria
Federal agencies conducting research to understand threat of toxins produced by cyanobacteria
The distinct slap of a tail lets me know I am in special area. Beavers are here, which is an indication of newly formed wildlife habitat and changes in the landscape …
A new survey finds split opinions but strong desire to prevent pollution. 61 percent of respondents said they agree mining should be prohibited…
Rare wetland next to Lake Superior will be protected as new Scientific and Natural Area.
“For as long as I’ve been exploring the great outdoors, I’ve been mesmerized by how I can hike my favorite spots over and over and it’s always a new experience. The seasons, weather, sun, and clouds bring surprise and delight to every hour of every day. No matter how many times I’ve done a hike, it’s never been the same twice.”
State agency will debate PolyMet tailings permit and evaluate overall regulations.
Several new trail systems have opened in past 10 years, bringing thousands of riders to region.
Feathers from harvested birds can provide information that will help track population.
Public input invited on significant expansion sought by popular resort. Considering increased opportunities for recreation and tourism with potential impact to old-growth forest.
Ten years after the biggest wildfire in a century, the forest is full of life, and reminders of the Boundary Waters inferno.
New reports detail pristine waters of northeastern Minnesota, threats to the health, and strategies to protect them.
Discovery of juvenile invasive mussels indicates population is reproducing in iconic border lake and potentially within Voyageurs National Park.
Questions and answers about the wildfires consuming parts of northern Minnesota. Where do the animals go? How much of the BWCA has burned?
Superior Hiking Trail closed, Boundary Waters closed due to fires. Updated maps, photos from fires in Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and Superior National Forest as official information is available. Greenwood Fire grows, Moose Lake Fire detected…
Fire increases to over 19,000 acres creates a pyrocumulus cloud resulting in fire-created lightning, new evacuations but weather conditions could be more favorable soon.
Forest Service shuts down wilderness area as large wildfires burn and drought continues, efforts to find visitors by canoe, float plane.
One artist’s view of our impact on a place casts light on the wilderness nearby.
Project seeks to manage a growing threat to the park’s wetlands.
Shooting stars will light up the night as public programs help visitors learn and enjoy the region’s dark skies.
Rise in conflict between campers and bears has led Forest Service to require visitors keep their food safe.