What will it take to get you outdoors?

In a recent article for the Star Tribune, writer Tori McCormick sums it up: “What will it take to get you outdoors and into nature? Can you be persuaded, either through …


Sustainable Ely

Envisioning a mining-free future for the Boundary Waters By Alissa Johnson   On the first day of June, thirty canoes and some sixty paddlers made their way down the Kawishiwi River. …


Reminder: Summer BWCAW Permits Available Starting Today

Reservations for all entry points can be made on a first-come, first-served basis starting today. Reservations can be made online www.recreation.gov or by calling 1-877-444-6777. With over 1,500 miles of canoe routes, nearly 2,200 …


John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon Postponed

Lack of snow has forced organizers of the John Beargrease Sled Dog marathon to postpone the event. The event has been rescheduled for March 10. The combination of scant snowfalls this …


It’s Time to Start Planning Summer BWCAW Trips

Varnish those paddle blades, oil the Duluth Pack straps, grease those tent zippers and scrutinize the maps. Paddlers who want to realize their summertime paddling dreams need to start planning now. In …


New Film: Sled Dogs to St. Paul

When former Minnesota State Representative Frank Moe mushed his team of sled dogs into St. Paul last winter, the runners on his sled sparked as they crossed snowless patches on the …


Working Together to Protect Wilderness

The Summer 2012 Issue of Wilderness News is in the mail and now online.   The theme is Working Together to Protect Wilderness — check out a few highlights below.   What’s …


A New Model for Partnership

By Alissa Johnson Meet the Wolf Lake Citizen’s Monitoring Group. Together with the Forest Service, they’re proving that private landowners and the government can work together to care for land. The …


Volunteer at Voyageurs National Park

Photo courtesy Voyageurs National Park Association

This September, get an inside look at Minnesota’s only National Park and help park rangers complete important conservation projects. Voyageur’s National Park is hosting its 2012 Volunteer Rendezvous on September 7 and 8, and nature lovers of all ages are invited to sign up for one or both days.


Volunteers Needed for Voyageurs Event

Voyageurs National Park is seeking participants for a two-day event September 9 and 10 to help Minnesota’s only National Park with conservation and maintenance work called the Volunteer Rendezvous.