Transformation of a Landscape

What Global Warming Could Mean for the Boundary Waters   By Alissa Johnson, Wilderness News Contributor Mention canoe country to any canoeist familiar with the Quetico Superior region, and an array …


One Big Fire

  In July of last year, a lightning strike ignited the Cavity Lake fire in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW). Over 32,000 acres burned in what was then called …


ATVs: Revving Up for More Controversy

Management of All-Terrain Vehicle riding in Minnesota, especially in the north, continues to rev as an environmental and recreational issue. Despite a compromise law initiated by Governor Tim Pawlenty in 2003, …


Dolmen Stones in the Boundary Waters

Just an easy paddle from the Sawbill Landing you may find one of the Boundary Waters’ hidden mysteries. Dolmen stones are usually a natural boulder supported by “peg” stones. They are …


Prescribed Burns Begin in and Near BWCA

A total of 1,000 acres underwent prescribed burns this fall, 360 of which were within the BWCA. Plans called for burning more than 4,000 BWCA acres this year, and all areas not completed are now on hold until 2002. These include top-priority sections totaling 5,200 acres in the Magnetic Lake and Kekekabic Lake areas, as well as 300 acres near Dogleg Lake.