
Woodland Caribou Provincial Park ~ Where Nature Still Rules

This is a place one is more likely to come across a woodland caribou, or hear the cry of a wolf than encounter humankind. It is an ancient, weathered landscape of haunting physical solitude and spiritual solace. A sojourn to the hinterlands of Woodland Caribou is a voyage through time. By canoe, one can follow the waterways of the Ojibway and journey past images of animals and shamans painted on stone.

Wilderness News Summer 2005

The Summer 2005 issue of Wilderness News is online and in the mail. Download a PDF here >               Highlights: Woodland Caribou Provincial Park ~ …


The Historic Lodges of the Boundary Waters

If you’ve paddled Basswood Lake to Crooked Lake, you’ve travelled an ancient route— favored by indigenous tribes and the Voyageurs, through a wild and peaceful chain of lakes, leading you to …


Prescribed Burns Begin in and Near BWCA

A total of 1,000 acres underwent prescribed burns this fall, 360 of which were within the BWCA. Plans called for burning more than 4,000 BWCA acres this year, and all areas not completed are now on hold until 2002. These include top-priority sections totaling 5,200 acres in the Magnetic Lake and Kekekabic Lake areas, as well as 300 acres near Dogleg Lake.